For any questions not answered here, please call 205-458-8737.

  1. Wall, column and permanent building utility outlets are not a part of booth space and are not to be used by exhibitors unless specified otherwise by building management.
  2. Claims for a refund will not be considered unless filed by exhibitor prior to close of exposition.
  3. Rates quoted for all connections cover only the bringing of service to the booth in the most convenient manner and do not include connecting equipment or special wiring.
  4. All phone and data service comes from floor utility boxes. (no overhead installation).
  5. Advance orders must be received a minimum of ten (10) days prior to exhibitor arrival for move in and paid in full prior to start of the event.


  1. Select the event you will be attending below by double-clicking on the Name of the Event. The events are listed in date order. If the event you are ordering service for is not in the list, please contact our Technology Department at (205) 458-8737.
  2. The next display will list all the available services. Enter the quantity of any service you would like to request. Once you have completed the form, select Submit to proceed.
  3. Next, you should verify the items ordered and the total price. At the bottom of the form enter your name, address and payment information. Then select the Submit button.
  4. The information entered will then be verified. If all the required fields have been completed, you will get a Receipt of Order that you can print for your records. If any incomplete fields were found then you will get a message with the errors listed. Please correct the errors then resubmit the form.
Birmingham RV Show 2/14/2025 - 2/16/2025  
BIRMINGHAM HOME SHOW 2/21/2025 - 2/23/2025 2/19/2025  
Alabama Cattlemens Association Convention & Trade Show 2/21/2025 - 2/22/2025  
2025 Cottontails Village Festival by Marketplace Events 2/28/2025 - 3/2/2025 2/26/2025  
NCAA Women's Basketball Regionals 3/27/2025 - 3/31/2025 3/14/2025  
Alabama Cyber Security Summit (ACSC) 4/9/2025 - 4/10/2025 3/29/2025  
World Deer Expo 2025 7/11/2025 - 7/13/2025 7/9/2025  



Supported by ConCentRICs